Club Info & Updates:
- 2023 Membership Renewal is now open. Don't let your membership lapse!
- Site info Updates:
- Palomar: Reminder from Steve to always have your parking pass displayed.
- Blossom: No new updates from Brad on the development. Map finalization still in process but development seems to be a 'done-deal'
- WX Station updates
- Holfuy stations - Horse, Laguna and Little Black all working. El Cap and Palomar seems to have intermittent connectivity issues w/ 2G. Per Jeff, TMobile will sunset 2G at end of the year but not 100% sure. For example, AT&T 3G sunset didn't happen until ~6 weeks after their end date.
- Two Prototype stations are up and running at Palomar and Little Black. LB had a small glitch but reset itself. Palomar station seems to read high on high winds days. Overall the stations are working fine. Josef needs to contact Nik to install 3rd station at El Cap. Holding off on 4th prototype station until after January to see what happens with 2G end-of-life.
Next steps:
- We want to develop a mobile app (similar to Holfuy app) so you can pull up favorite weather stations and view individual readings without having to navigate the SDHGPA web page.
- We also need help getting the data feeds to other networks (eg. Mesa West, Weather Underground, etc). With Holfuy, we are feeding about 5 different networks. Want to feed Josef's information to 3 main networks.
- Volunteer Coding Opportunity in Typescript: Josef needs data feed help w/ Typescript from backend Google Firebase. Anyone with a development background want to help out?
- USHPA Chapter Renews open December 1st.
- Time of year that USHPA needs clubs to gather-up of Accident Reports (Refer to Members Only section on website for Accident/Incident Reports). These get fed into annual review and reporting, and also help update Site Guides.
- The due date for USHPA renewal is late January to mid-February; therefore, we want to submit early and not wait to until last minute
- We are looking for member feedback on site guides to keep these current and relevant. Any feedback?
- Setting Calendar for 2023 Meeting Topics to dates
- Greg Hunter suggested that someone from local Ham radio club come out and talk about legal use of Ham radio and how to license. Steve said that a long time ago, Mark Weber did a "Ham and Eggs" series to prep people to get Ham radio licenses. Greg volunteered to take lead on this with Club
- 2023 Fly-Ins Dates:
- Tentative March/April 2023 for Fly-in and awards
- Fall Fly-in ~October 2023
- Awards and Contest Rules Refer to
- Contest Nov. 1st to Oct. 31st from Leonardo. 30 Days after Oct. 31st to get your flights in.
- Shirt awards for
- 25 miles - From one of the 9 sites
- 50 miles - From one of the 9 sites
- 75 miles (anywhere on earth counts)
- 100 miles (anywhere on earth counts)
- First XC flight of 10 miles you get a flight (one time one). Based on Maximum straight line distance in Leonardo.
2. Topics: - with Open Q&A:
- Travel and Fly Safety Information: Working on a refresh of the 2019 "Travel to Fly" safety information and what insurance and services are available for rescue, transport of medical attention. More to come but excellent links to information and context:
- Telegram Question: Why we don't fly in Santa Anas?
- Palomar and Elsinore can be an option for 'mild' Santa Ana if gust factors within . Gust factors should not be more than 2x base winds. Anything with an East component, the base winds should be less than 5 mph. Hazard is the upper sheer winds
- Ex) 5mph West meets 5 mph from East = 10 mph sheer. This is doable.
- 5 mph West meets a 15 mph from East = 20 mph and will turn your wing inside out.