a) Laguna Permit Status is in process.
b) Laguna and Big Black Site Guides.
Looking for site reps. David Norgren to contact Paul Markham as possible site rep for Big Black.
c) Weather Station Updates (Joseph)
- Palomar station battery dead. Joseph working on fix.
- El Cap station needs firmware flashed to be more efficient w/ battery usage.
- Laguna Holfuy station should be considered unreliable and will be turned off. Anemometer started to fail in January giving unreliable wind speed readings. In the future this will be replaced by one of Joseph's stations.
d) Club USHPA renewal and safety review update (Steve/Rob)
Deadline to renewal our USHPA chapter was Feb. 15th. Rob updating incidents and assessments.
e) Palomar point series update
- Brad and Katherine won the Serial and Fledgling classes respectively in January - congratulations! The February tasks will remain the same as January -- no change.
f) Reminder is renew you 2023 Membership. Thank you to everyone that has renewed! Here's the link to renew:
h) Call for future meeting presenter. Looking for presenters on the following topics:
Using Flyskyhy for Tasks (Palomar Point series)
Using xctrack for Tasks(Palomar Point series)
Using XC Soar for Tasks(Palomar Point series)
Techniques to build your flying skills
2. New Items / Roundtable / Stories from Mexico/Columbia
- Stan from Crestline Soaring said the Redlands Airport Advisory Board is meeting and considering banning launching and landing within Redlands city limits. This would impact Hanger 24
- Fly-in still being targeted for March/April.
- Getting to Columbia: Rob flew SAN-MIAMI-CALI. Two hour cab ride to Roldanillo for $70. Cheaper bus options available.
- Where to Stay: Rob booked an air bnb in town. There were lots of taxis in the town square every morning competing for your business to take you up to launch for $10.
- Where to Fly: Primary launch is Aguapanela that most use. We preferred to use the private Trevol launch which is a bit lower and out front. Aguapanela launches you a bit higher, but requires long glide to house thermal and you arrive only slightly higher than the Trevol launch. The Trevol launch puts you straight into the house thermal, has nice shade structure with tables and clean floors and bathrooms for setup. Costs $2 to use the launch. All launches in Roldanillo are behind high tension powerlines and I would probably recommend P4 skills for them. Conditions typically turned on between 930-1030 each morning. Run the ridge in the anabatic east flow in the morning. Once the sun gets high and clouds pop in the valley, push out and fly the flats. Expect the “Pacifico” to come in around 3pm each day, which is what they call the seabreeze. It will blow down hard on launch and everything on the east side of the valley will be in rotor. Land in Zarzal if the Pacifico is too strong to make it safely back to Roldanillo.
- Retrieves: For retrieves, a $1 bus to get home from there. No matter where you land out, it is super easy to get retrieved. There are buses between every little town along the highways and they will stop in the middle of the route to pick up pilots. There are taxis in most towns. And if not, there are people on motos everywhere that want to give you a ride home for pesos. The people are very friendly and seem to like the pilots.