Updated: 7-20-2023
SDHGPA Site Requirement Verified Schools/ Instructors:
(Any and all Schools and Instructors listed are not affiliated with or directly endorsed by SDHGPA. Please Read the Selecting the Right School / Instructor section and chose your School and Instructors. )
As of June 1st 2016
Only schools and instructors that have registered with SDHGPA and been verified as meeting each SDHGPA-Insured site's requirements may conduct "For-hire (commercial) activity" at those particular SDHGPA-Insured sites, provided the site's landowner agreements do not preclude For-hire (commercial) activity. Approval for conducting commercial instruction is required for each of the following launch and landing zones associated with the following sites individually: Laguna, Horse (for Landing at Anderson Field), Little Black, and Big Black. For-hire (commercial) activity needs to comply with all Site Use Agreements and protocols. Note that the Palomar Landowner Use Agreement / Permit precludes For-hire (commercial) Instruction activity in any form as of 2-1-2020.
SDHGPA Registered and Verified Schools / Instructors List for SDHGPA Sites:
Verified Schools:
To be listed as a School or Instructor: See Schools & Instruction Policies -Protocal
Until Schools register with SDHGPA showing PASA Cert & School Insurance listing all Landowners as Additional Insured for each specified Sites including Site Launches and LZs, no "for-hire" commercial instruction can take place for flight from or to any SDHGPA Additional Insured Site Launch or LZ. Signed off H2 / P2 pilots can car pool with Instructors, but the following not-for-consideration conditions must be met:
- All pilots must fly as independent out-of-school signed off pilots and meet the site requirements in SDHGPA Site Guides. Example: Palomar - Minimum Ratings: H3 / P3 - (M1 to Bail out LZ; M2 to Main LZ); or H2 / P2 with other higher rated pilots present, site briefing for the day, and instructor sign off.
- All flight & use of both launch & LZs must meet not-for-hire-or-consideration criteria.
- No student or tour pilots of any rating may be under instruction, radio direction, coaching, or mentorship from paid instructors or tour guides. This includes any Commercial Instructor that remains classified as a Commercial Instructor for 12 months after their last paid gig.
- All site introductions and/or mentoring must be given by non professional/ non compensated club volunteers / mentors.
- P0/H0 & P1/H1 Pilots may attend Fly-in & BBQs if SDHGPA Members, but will not be able to fly Palomar or other sites solo until they get signed off as P2 pilots.
- By definition, Tandem Flight is for instruction. No Tandem Flight for Hire or Consideration of any type is allowed by schools or instructors not meeting the Site Requirements and registering with SDHGPA and being verified as meeting the requirements. If a Tandem Passenger/Student is currently enrolled in a certification program with the school or instructor, the tandem flight is a Flight for Hire or Consideration by default and considered commercial instruction. Rogallo level - Unpaid Tandem Instructors must be on the USHPA Certified Non-Commercial Instructors list and maintain non-commercial / non-compensation for the full past 12 months to qualify as having non-commercial / non-compensation status. (Even if a pilot fills in for a school to do a commercial tandem flight just for one flight, they are now considered an Instructor-for-Hire-or-Consideration by default for the next 12 months.) All Tandem flights from SDHGPA Sites with Additional Insured Landowners must follow the USHPA tandem exemption and all USHPA protocols. Aero Sports Connection (ASC) exemption is not valid for tandem flight at SDHGPA Sites with Additional Insured Landowners.
SDHGPA Registered and Verified NON-COMMERCIAL Instructors - Tandem Instructors List for SDHGPA Sites:
SDHGPA Registered - Tandem Pilots in Training (T1) Non Instructor List for SDHGPA Sites:
NON-COMMERCIAL Tandem Flight Protocols at SDHGPA Sites with Additional Insured Landowners:
- Must strictly abide by ALL relevant USHPA and FAR rules.
- All Tandem flights from SDHGPA Sites with Additional Insured Landowners must follow the USHPA tandem exemption and all USHPA protocols.
- Aero Sports Connection (ASC) exemption is not valid for tandem flight at SDHGPA Sites with Additional Insured Landowners.
- All tandem flights must be for training purposes only; no recreational tandems are permitted by the FAA.
- Tandem Pilots must possess an appropriate, current Tandem Pilot USHPA administered rating.
- Tandem Instructor Pilot must have a current USHPA Rogallo Member (Instructor) level USHPA membership .
- Tandem Instructor Pilots must be on the USHPA Certified Non-Commercial Instructors list (CNC list)
- The Tandem Pilot cannot request or accept ANY direct or indirect remuneration for their flight services/ instruction for a running 12 month period.
- A Tandem Instructor (formerly T3) rated Tandem Pilot can fly with USHPA members with limited experience (Temporary or H0/P0 or higher).
- All T1 rated flights should be conducted at the Sites your T1 Training was at if not with your T1 rating instructor. A T1 rated Tandem Pilot may conduct tandem flights ONLY with Annual Full Member USHPA pilots rated H1/P1 and higher.
- All Tandem participants must have in their possession a current USHPA membership card (Temporary 30day, Pilot, or Rogallo Membership)
- The Tandem Participant (“student”/“passenger”) must sign the SDHGPA Club waiver and must be either an annual or monthly SDHGPOA club member.
- The Tandem Pilot needs to be registers with SDHGPA in the above listing by emailing a request with the above requirements to [email protected].
Definitions & FAQ:
In a NON-COMMERCIAL tandem flight:
In a NON-COMMERCIAL tandem flight:
- The Tandem Pilot may NOT accept ANY form of remuneration for their flight services. Receiving any form of direct or indirect compensation (including profits from gear sales, gifts in kind, tips, etc.) radically alters the insurance coverage and leaves the Pilot, Participant/Student/Passenger, Land Owners, State Park, etc. open to liability that jeopardizes the flying site.
- As long as no compensation is paid to the Tandem Pilot, the pilot has not been a commercial tandem pilot or instructor for the past 12 month window, the Tandem Pilot is appropriately certified, and the flight is following all relevant guidelines, USHPA General Liability insurance policy protects eligible members, chapters, and flying site landowners against third party liability claims and lawsuits.
What constitutes Commercial Instruction:
- A Commercial Instructor cannot take off the Commercial Instructor hat once wearing it whenever it suits their needs. Commercial Instructors or Tandem Instructors remain classified as Commercial Instructors for 12 months after their last paid gig.
- If a Commercial Instructor is assisting and giving Site intros or any other help, including mentoring on or off the radio to any Pilot, that is Commercial Instruction.
- if Commercial Instructors are at Palomar, they need to be there on their own to fly without giving any input or help to past students or any other pilots. Commercial Instructors at Palomar need to take a back seat and be there only to fly as a solo pilot taking a full vacation day from any form of instruction or mentoring.
- Suppose an Instructor's past P2 or P3 students are at Palomar with the Commercial Instructor present; they should not be there without other higher-rated pilots (that are/ were not their instructors or are not other Commercial Instructors) to provide Site Information and any guidance that may be required.
**Any tandem flights operating without the correct insurance are disasters waiting to destroy our flying sites, and our sport. If you suspect anyone of flying commercial tandems without proper PASA insurance coverage, or non-commercial tandems outside of USHPA rules at SDHGPA sites as defined above, PLEASE SAY SOMETHING.**
Free Flight in the West is not so wild as it was in the early days. We have learned a lot since then. But finding the right Instructor or School can be like reading or entering into the the pages of an old spaghetti western when trying to decipher what is hype and what is legitimate when the topics may be new to you.
Read More on how to find the right Instructor in San Diego: List of Schools SDHGPA members have used: Selecting the Right School - Instructor: |
The Good ?
The Bad & Ugly
More on How to Choose a Hang Gliding and Paragliding Instructor or School
Paragliding (PG) and Powered Paragliding (PPG) flight is conducted under FAR Part 103, and is deemed to be self regulating. The FAA and Pilot Community Recognized Self Regulation body for our sports is the United States Hang Gliding and Paragliding Association (USHPA) and/ or the United States Powered Paragliding Association (USPPA) . All competent and respected instructors are members of one or both of these two organizations and abide by their self regulation guidelines for each respective discipline. Ask if the School is accredited.
We recommend calling and talking with several schools and instructors, including several in other popular flying locations before making a choose. In the end you are responsible for selecting who trains you so take your time, don't rush and choose wisely! Ask a lot of questions and stay open minded when it comes to your personal safety! Ask for recommendations and then get a second and third opinion, it's only your life!
Further reading on the subject
- USHPA article: How to choose an instructor