A sand mining company is proposing to remove sand from El Monte Valley. This is a huge operation, covering hundreds of acres and making a hole 100 feet deep. The initial work would be at the West end of the Valley. Take a look at this web site: https://saveelmontevalley.wordpress.com
Look at the various links, starting with: what when who how why
The input for the CEQA process is over, however, there is still a long process involved in gaining approval. The final step is when the County Board of Supervisors reviews it and says yes or no.
The main page of the web site has a letter to the Board of Supervisors. At the bottom of that letter is a link to a page that allows you to sign a petition requesting that approval for sand mining be denied. ( https://saveelmontevalley.wordpress.com/2015/08/16/petitioning-chair-of-san-diego-county-board-of-supervisors-bill-hornsdcounty-ca-gov/ )
What can we do today to help?
I encourage all residents of San Diego County to sign this petition. ( https://www.change.org/p/no-on-el-monte-sand-mines-in-lakeside-bill-horn-sdcounty-ca-gov-we-urge-the-county-board-of-supervisors-to-vote-no )
If you would like to help further, write a letter today to a County Supervisor.
If we can help Blossom Valley residents save their Valley it would help us maintain our good relationship with them.
Bill Helliwell
SDHGPA Site Director & Treasure