Thursday, Aug. 19th 2022 5:30 – 9:00pm
Little Black - Black Mountain Gliderport
15198-15442 Black Mountain Rd, San Diego, CA 92129, USA
5:30 - 6:30 After Work Flights (experienced pilots)
6:30 - 7:30+? Glass off Flights
7:00 LZ Social Mixer & Pizza in the LZ (BYO_)
7:30 General Meeting:
Site Updates:
- No updates on Blossom or other sites.
- Discussion about adding Sites / Site Pioneering: Whales V near SD Skydiving DZ and the old Escape Country - Robinson Ranch in Rancho Santa Margarita / Orange county were used as examples of Sites pilots might want to make more legitimate for Site preservation. When is it a good idea to add in Sites and what is required. One key thing is to check for Landowner / Agency requirements of the Site and establish permision for use as a Part 103 requirement.
Weather Station Updates:
- Awesome work by Joseph getting his weather sensor prototype working and communicating through cell service back to Google Firebase to aggregate data. To see prototype, go to Weather Station page under "More Coming Soon".
- Next Steps: A motion was made to approved Club funds ($2000) to reimburse Joseph for development materials to date and to build 3 to 4 more Weather Stations. The Motion passed by a large majority of Club Members at the meeting. There where no objections.

- Discussion if this site is still relevant or should be removed. Right now Steve is the only moderator. Club decided to leave site 'as-is' with the same membership requirements of being active USHPA pilots and act as a landing spot, then direct to Club website ( Rob E will be added as a Group Admin for member adds.
Meme Chat:
Rob discussed meme chat… see his Telegram post for details. Meme Chat info has been added to the current Member Information page.
Palomar Safety Update (Rob/Steve)
- Discussion on a couple recent incidents where pilots landing at Chickens and other les than desirable locations. Reiterated that Chicken LZs should not be considered an intended landing zone and pilots need to assess if they are at or Below the proximity of house thermal knob to start glide to LZ. See the Blue time to glide to LZ line in the Site Guide.
- All Approaches to the Main LZ should be over the Air Strip LZ and not over the Orchards. Pilots should be targeting to land in the Center of the Main LZ then run long if needed. The Main LZ is very large and into the wind. It is very unlikely that even a high performance HG will use up the entire length of the LZ.
- Landing in one of the Orchards could put the Site at risk.
- Link to Palomar site guide: