Thursday, July 21 2022 5:30 – 9:00pm
Little Black - Black Mountain Gliderport
15198-15442 Black Mountain Rd, San Diego, CA 92129, USA
5:30 - 6:30 After Work Flights (experienced pilots)
6:30 - 7:30+? Glass off Flights
7:00 LZ Social Mixer & Pizza or Subway in the LZ (BYO_)
7:30 General Meeting:
1. Club Info & Updates:
- Site info Updates:
- 2022 Election Results: Welcome new 2022 SDHGPA Board.
- President: Steve Rohrbaugh
- VP: Jeff Brown
- Secretary: Russ Gibfried
- Treasurer/
Acting Secretary: Josh Gelb - Safety Officer: Rob Eschbach
- Safety Officer: Alex Gray
- Member at Large: Josef De Beer
- Member at Large: Robb Milley
- Member at Large: Ron Davis
- Weather Station 3G sunset activity updates - Jeff Brown
- SD PG FB Group policies? - USHPA Pilots only or more open? - Prior Policy concerns of prior Admins. Need need Moderators/ Admins
- What the ___ is going on at CSS? Not sure but current status
Other Election and survey results:
Meeting Location responses:
- I like the idea of having it at a flying site. Either little black or Palomar
- We can meet at my place in Fallbrook (Greg Hunter). It is probably too far for most people during the week though.
- Marshall Crestline
- little black
- Mission bay!
- Balboa park?
- Small group break out sessions.
- Thank you for your years of service to our local
- more fly-ins
- Keep up the great work!
- Great flying club.
- Thank you for all your work ... just thank you.