New member introductions were made.
1) Next SDHGPA Fly-in: October 22, 2022 fly-in (Save the Date) was discussed. Josef De Beer offered to organize tacos.
- a. Josef reports Palomar and Little Black stations are operational. Both Stations are viewable from the SDHGPA WX station page.
- b. The El Cap station is still dead.
- Josef will order parts for the El Cap station.
- Discussion was had about placement of El Cap station. No decision was reached as several locations are desirable.
- c. Multiple El Cap stations were discussed. Josef reports stations are approximately $500 plus $20 per year.
- d. Ana volunteered to look at syncing weather stations with meso west.
- e. Jordan volunteers for RF work on weather stations.
- a. James Acres volunteered to recruit late-teen early twenties folks from rock-climbing gym to drive retrieve if a clear statement could be made about what’s desired from drivers.
- b. Rob Eschebach pointed out that Central Utah posts retrieve jobs with clear explanations to a Telegram channel. The explanations include timing, vehicles, and payment involved.
- c. All seemed to agree such a format would be worth trying here. After extendeddiscussion, no format or process for post retrieve jobs was agreed upon.
- a. Joel St. John reports he bought new gear on which the maillons were only finger-
- tight.
- b. It was agreed everyone should check new gear, and warn others to do likewise.
- c. Whether it is desirable to develop a checklist for new-gear/annual self-inspections was discussed. No action was taken.
- d. Joel said he will file an incident report.
Recently I narrowly avoided a catastrophic failure of my gear due to dumb luck. I received a new wing and took it to Torrey for its first flight. Flew about and hour after kiting and looking it over. I proceeded to take it to Elsinore and had my longest/ best flight yet. I flew Elsinore to Dana Point. It was only after this flight that it was discovered that my mallions were all loose and one of them had opened and stretched. Luckily it was on my C- risers and was not heavily weighted during the flight or else I could have had a complete failure.
I did what I thought was a decent once-over of the wing and a shakedown flight at a safe location before flying in the mountains. Not once did I ever consider checking my mallions. I have contacted the wing manufacturer and they are looking into QC at the production facility. The location this wing is made is the same location many PG manufacturers use, so there is no need to put any one MFG on blast. It’s being addressed on that end.
My only hopes with this post is that it will get you to of you check your millions when you get your wing, either new , back from service or at least once a year. Fly safe!
⁃ Joel
- Steve Rohrbaugh pointed out that many members do not have full name and contact information in their Telegram profiles. Steve asked efforts be made by all to correct this to aid in everyday co-ordination and SAR.
- Please add full names to your Telegram profile or most will not know who you are or know who to look out for on a day of flying.
- In your profile it is also helpful to have your picture, a picture of your wing and other info in your bio. For good examples check out @Topapilot (Robb Milley), @paintbing (Brad Stevenson), and @SteveRohrbaugh . Click pic and swipe right. Can load multiple pictures. . .
The meeting concluded at 8pm.