Steve R and Jeff to give Dave coordinates to run by Ranger Ed for approval
See New WX Station post for more details
10/27 Halloween fly in: Need help with stuff for fly-in
Bill has some stuff but needs pickups to transport - Joseph, Luke, etc...
Steve to put up sign up sheet – See Sign-up Genius link on Halloween Fly-in info page
USHPA Film Fest 2018 at UCSD 11/17? Or at Palomar with a fly in 11/17/18
- Kim is working details to get co-sponsorship with a UCSD sports club to bring the costs down to a reasonable level.
- Default / Back-up location will be Palomar
- For more info see and follow the Film Festival Event page
Dues the same for next year, approved by board unanimously
Lots of people not renewing but still flying:
Ask em to join if u see em. Best tactic in my experience - present it as an essentially voluntary and supportive action, of little cost - a way of protecting and maintaining our sites and doing right by your fellow pilots.
SDHGPA 2019 Elections
SDHGPA Board Nominations & appointed committee positions for 2019 will open at the next scheduled meeting in November. Please think about how you would like to be support your flying community in this next year. Elections will be in Dec - Jan via mail in ballots.
Steve R- everybody should use LiveTrack24 and sign up for the SDHGPA tracking group, so we can find em. Any tacking device dealio from satellite Spot or Garmin inReach type to cell phone app can be linked and combined in LiveTrack24. Our Livetrack24 Group is a good way for us to merge all of the different tracking devices and methods into one location for our SDHGPA group to quickly and easy access pilot locations for retrieve or emergency purposes.
A good practice is to use both Satellite and phone app for tracking for redundancy and that the cell apps can fill in more data points between the 5 or 10 min satellite tracker data send intervals. (If using phone for tracking, it is a good idea to also use a back-up battery supply)
Bill D. - everybody that doesn’t have a dedicated SOS-sending satellite tracking dealio is basically committing suicide. But if they want to go with wimpy-ass LiveTrack, whatever. Maybe we’ll come find em, maybe not. And off we go into the abyss . . .
Great talk by Chris Cote on weather-casting tools and how he uses them to crush the rest of us in XC-land. If you missed it, it’s your loss. Or gain - if you or I tried to fly in some of the crazy conditions he calls “awesome”, we would just be scared out of our minds and likely give up paragliding for golf.
Dave Metzgar