to all those that showed up for the Double Work Party's this past weekend.
With all of your efforts The Horse LZ, Horse Launch and Glider Point Trail Up Little Black have never looked better!
A little over 25 Pilots showed up for the work party and made quick work of what looked to be a daunting task of of restoring the 2.25 acre Horse Postage Stamp LZ that had become over run with LZ Tribbles. Once the LZ was largely complete, we moved our efforts to launch. The main launch windsock was rebuilt and replaced. Erosion ruts and rock snags on Launch were removed or filled in then smoothed out and compacted to minimize future erosion. Post detailing the Launch, GH headed down to remove the big erosion ruts and 4x4 damage in the LZ along with putting on a Zamboni finish to the LZ. Those out at Horse were rewarded with great but cold flying conditions on Saturday that lasted and actually improved into a great glass off into sunset! | |
- Glider Point Trail SDHGPA Work Party - Sunday January 10th
We also had a good turnout on Sunday, with about 20 pilots working from 9 am to 2 pm at the Black Mountain Open Space. With these efforts, the Glider Point Trail has been greatly restored and has a much better route visibility than it had before. The San Diego Hang Gliding and Paragliding Association has donated not only their time and effort, but over 100 Native plants and some Habitat restoration area signs to the Open Space Native habitat restoration efforts. (A few of the Native plants to be planted were started by seed and donated by Beth Mather). To prepare and allow for native plant re-growth, over 30 trail cuts were blocked and the trail was delineated in areas where there was not an obvious path to follow. Trail erosion and wash-outs were also repaired. Water diverts were then added to discourage future washouts. | |
The SDHGPA will be scheduling a second round of planting in a couple of weeks along with checking on the trail for some post rain follow up work.
The Follow-on Little Black Work Party is scheduled for: Sat, Jan 30th 2016 | Little Black Site Preservation Work Party & Fly - Part 2 Sat, Jan 30th 2016 Meet in LZ 9:00 Where: 14811 Black Mountain Rd San Diego, CA 92127 |