All SD Sites are back OPEN but roads up Horse & Big Black may closed before & after storms this time of year.
Flying Site Status with all of the COVID-19 and Fire Closures. We will try to update this list as we receive updates, but no guarantees and always check the referencing links.
If you have or know of any updates, please let us know and we will update this list.
- All open, but check road status and if the Site has restrictions.
- Palomar -OPEN watch out for new well pipe in near the road in the LZ & other Hazards, look for new parking lot area, walk Palomar before you fly the site.: via Bill H: well pipe, about a 1’ in diameter and 4’ high in / near original Approach path. The Ranch is requesting that we land to the NW side of the building where HG typically land.
- Horse: OPEN again after Fire hazard closure for drive up and hike in uses. Check for Road closure status: : Sheephead Mountain Road (15S18) , see the SDHGPA CNF Road Closure article and check the CNF Road closure page.
- Laguna: Upper Launch & Earthquake Valley LZ: OPEN (The SDHGPA ABSP permit has been renewed for 2021 but has restrictions due to COVID-19 Safe reopening.) There is a Limit to gatherings of 10 on launch. We also need to let Bill H know ahead of time that we will be flying the Site so that he can text the rangers. See the Laguna Site Guide, Permit, and Safe Reopening plan for details.
- Laguna (Lower Cliff Launch): Open (only if flying the HG Cliff Launch and Kwaaymii Point road is open to traffic. ) (Kwaaymii Point road is BLM, but may be gated or restricted by S1 access thorough CNF & ABSP)
- Big Black: OPEN again after Fire hazard closure for drive up and hike in uses. Check for Road closure status: Black Mountain Road (11S04), see the SDHGPA CNF Road Closure article and check the CNF Road closure page.
- Little Black - Black Mountain Open Space : OPEN
- Blossom - keep it Chill & Keep an eye on Fire TFR and other possible fire related air support ops pulling water out of the local reservoirs. If the water drop spotters see HG, PG, RCs, or drones in the air, they will flag off air drop water support aircraft operations and may impact fire fighting efforts.
- Otay is probably open weekends. Closed mid week due to construction activity on road.
- Elsinore: OPEN again after Fire Hazard closure: Technically both launches are in the CNF. South Main Divide (6S07) check the CNF Road closure page. Open to local residence only? Parking along or off the road for recreational use may lead to vehicles being ticketed.
- Torrey Pines Glider Port: OPEN - Check in with the TPGP office for TPGP status updates.
- Our Laguna SP Launch & LZ locations heve OPENed and our permits have been renewed with COVID-19 restrictions. Some higher use areas and remote areas also remain closed in the State Park
- Pacific Coast Trail has OPENed through National Forest sections :
Be sure to check the PDF List at the Above link as some of this may change. Note that larger/ higher use areas and trails remain closed. The following areas are open or closed for Passive Use only (walking, jogging, or hiking). We have no formal interpretation if this included passive Free Flight)
- Black Mountain Open Space (Little Black) : OPEN
- Torrey Pines City Park, Shoreline Parks (also known as Glider Port): as a Park is OPEN, including pilots
- Black Mountain Ranch Community Park (Ball Fields / Kitting Location): OPEN
- Hilltop Community Park (Kitting Location): OPEN
- Hilltop Recreation Center: CLOSED
- Kate O. Sessions Neighborhood Park (Kitting Location if south): OPEN
- Mission Bay Park (Kitting Locations): Tecolote Shores and Most locations: OPEN