There are a few different ways and Apps you can use to interface with the SDHGPA Telegram group. Each App & Interface has slightly different features. Try a few different ones to see what you like. See the Telegram page for Apps & interfaces. The Telegram chat group is posted to the Who's Flying Where page page under "What's Happening" for ease of access when a Telegram app is not available and to allow Visiting pilots visibility to information prior to joining. The Group is also embedded on the What's Happening page. The SDHGPA Telegram group is limited to Annual Members & Visiting Temporary Member Pilots or past member Pilots that had a membership starting in 2019 forward. | To join the Telegram Group, There is a group invite link on the Members Only main info page.
Invite links are also now provided with the Membership Card / Parking pass email that is sent after completing and submitting the SDHGPA Membership Application & Waiver. This is how Visiting pilots may join the group. |
- Local San Diego, So Cal & Visiting Pilots.
This group is restricted to Local San Diego/ So Cal Pilots & Visiting Pilots that are SDHGPA members. - For day of planning, Retrieve, & short Flight Reports. (longer conversations should be steered to the Facebook groups and pages or the SD Free Flight Banter Telegram group.
- Users should have real names in their Telegram account Profile, or at least a well known nickname that our community recognizes.
- No Promotions or Spam
Give more than you take to this group. Self-promotion, spam and irrelevant links aren't allowed. Club/ Chapter & other Chapter +Comp announcements are OK. Local Pilot coordination and info sharing of trips & plans to attend is OK, but commercial tour promotion by the promoters/ operators is not. - Be Kind and Courteous
We're all in this together to create a welcoming environment. Let's treat everyone with respect. Healthy debates are natural, but kindness and respect is required. - Realize that Posts to the Group although a private group is published to the SDHGPA page and is therefore public and posters posting to the group should have this in mind and try to represent out sport in a positive light.
- (The Fine print) We will not remove pilots once added to the group unless repeatedly violating the above guidelines for use. In that this chat group is published to the SDHGPA page this chat group may be moderated for content that might be construed as: not in line with the above guidelines, flights that were not conducted in a safe manner, results in a documented infraction of Site Protocols, FAA, or local laws. If a post is moderated, all related thread posts may be affected and moderated as a result. We believe that inclusion is is generally best, but If a pilot is expelled from SDHGPA for cause, they also may be removed from the Telegram group depending on the cause and if violating the above. Please self moderate and represent our sport well, so that someone else does not have to.
- 1st Join Telegram
- 2nd Follow SDHGPA - Announcements Telegram Channel