Panel Discussion & Q&A Topics Discussion:
(Dmitri Soloviev, Bill Helliwell, Steve Rohrbaugh)
Rough Topic Outline, But Bring your specific questions:
Pre Topic - Generating a Track Log & Uploading Flights to Leonardo
Review Part 1 Section 2 & 3 -– Thermals & Thermaling
1. What does a thermal feel like
2. How to center in on a thermal
a. How tight to turn
3. How to Join In on a thermal
Next Part Topic by vote
1. Thermals & Thermaling Video Segments From "Speed to Fly" and key Fly-Bubble videos
2. Part 3 – Convergence - Finding lift in all the right places: Site by Site Flying & Thermal Tips: Laguna, Palomar & Elsinore
a. Convergence & SoCal Convergence Lines (Laguna, Palomar, Elsinore, Horse)
3. Part 4 – The Classic Routes
1. Laguna
2. Palomar
3. Elsinore
Other sites per request and Time
The descriptions of their experiences may not be relevant to the likely experience of any other pilot, particularly one who is relatively inexperienced or new to flying. Advanced Skills or methods described should only be applied or put into practice gradually and incrementally from your own flying style / ability and possibly under formal instruction.
When deciding whether or not to fly, a pilot may wish to take into account the descriptions in this guide but must also consider numerous other factors including the pilot's training and experience, familiarity with a flying site, equipment, physical and mental condition and the specific conditions in existence at the time of the decision. Pilots of relatively little experience or who are new to a site are urged to consult with their Instructors, and or other pilots before putting into practice any of the items presented.
Panel Discussion & Q&A Topics Discussion:
(Dmitri Soloviev, Bill Helliwell, Steve Rohrbaugh)
Rough Topic Outline, But Bring your specific questions:
Part 1 - Thermals
1. Picking the Days
2. Anatomy and Behavior of a Thermal
a. Thermals & Clouds
b. Practical Examples from recent Observations: LB clouds behind launch, Palomar this past Sunday on Launch.
3. When to Launch on a pure thermal day /at a thermal site
4. Where to find Thermals
5. How to use a thermal vs ridge lift – Changing Gears
a. How tight to turn
6. How to Join In on a thermal
Part 2 - Finding lift in all the right places: Site by Site Flying & Thermal Tips: (Effective Ridge Lift & Thermal Flight)
1. Palomar
2. Horse
3. Little Black
4. Other sites per request and Time