We would like to especially thank Bill Davis, Angela A, Anto Z, Dave Metzgar, and Bob Barry for tacking a lion share of the Prep and execution of the work event with other conflicting events on the day.
Weekend Mountain Flying Report
Palomar is an amazing site. On Saturday, the day of the fly-in and BBQ, the forecast was poor. But Palomar ignored the forecast. Wind indeed was light, around 5 mph, and coming from all directions, occasionally puffing down. The launch thermal was sometimes right at launch, sometimes a hundred yards out. Where it was determined which way the breeze was blowing. Several PG pilots took off around 12:30 and climbed a few hundred feet. All together I think 40 PG pilots took off, as late as 4:00. It looked like all but the later launchers got above launch and had good flights in the super smooth air. A few of them were able to get 2,000' higher than take off altitude. Five HG pilots from Sylmar and Greg F flew hang gliders. The first HG pilot took off and went straight out for a hundred yards or more, circled in light lift, and climbed a few hundred feet higher than launch. The second pilot allowed his nose to rise a bit, he could not get sufficient air speed, and mushed into the brush. He was ok, but chose to pack up and not fly. The other three Sylamr pilots and Greg had good strong take-offs. Two of the Sylmar pilots made it at least 1,000' above take off level. All of them had plenty of air time. A forecast is just that, a forecast. It is not necessarily reality. Bill H. |
Member Photos Posted on FB
My wife and I had a great time at the fly-in and BBQ!
Here's a short video of yesterday's flying and landings. |
One shirt is awarded to each pilot for his/her longest straight line XC distance passing the following Mile Marks:
A pilot's first flight over 10 miles (1st year achieving). Flight over 25 miles. Flight over 50 miles. Flight over 75 miles Flight over 100 miles, miles listed |
Some of his key points in his address are outlined in this video:
Free Flight Forever!-HD 1080p from Eric Blum on Vimeo.
Yes - Martin had just come from a Meeting with the CSS. They were feeling their oats pledging 7K as a club and challenged us as SDHGPA to raise 5K as a club. The SDHGPA Board has since met and and we think we can do better that that by raising at least $20K in total as a Club in whole with SDHGPA kicking in $10K from our reserves.
For more information see:
When Making your Donation, add SDHGPA as your Chapter Affiliation!