UPDATE: Palomar closed to pilots on week days M-F until further notice. This is due to the power pole project and recent site issues with pilots & non-pilots not following rules. We'll keep you updated regarding when this site will re-open for free flight.
SDG&E is using the Palomar LZ as a staging area for its power pole replacement project. This project will be staging massive pilot-impaling ankle-rolling leg-snapping wing 'n line catching telephone poles in the Palomar Main LZ through May 8th.
As far as we know, all the poles will be placed up on the mountain, away from the LZ.
If you decide to fly it on the weekend, make sure you walk the LZ prior to going up, get familiar with what's going on and check out any additional hazards.
Finally, please pay attention to the parking areas. We just got dinged on not following the rules for parking: Make sure you know where to park and where not to park.
If you haven't read through the Palomar site guide, read the dang thing. I know the place seems like your favorite uncle's abandoned ranch and almost no one is ever there or that it's impossible to do anything wrong, but that ain't the case.
We are there through the generally rad and unusually understanding generosity of the landowner. If we want to maintain one of San Diego (and America's) most reliable mountain sites, we've got to follow the rules.
Rock on, and see ya in the sky. Just not in the sky around the LZ on weekdays. :)
Nik "By God" Hawks