Doc Potterat is in the midst of writing a book, the basis of which this presentation covered. In order to not jump the gun, he asked us not to share or video the information presented outside of the club.
If you are interested in performance psychology for flying, many other excellent resources exist. Flying specific books have been written by Maxime Bellemin, Dennis Pagen, Mads Syndergaard, and Bruce Goldsmith among others. Here is a link to books that I (Nik) have in my library along with brief notes for each of ‘em.
Outside of flying there is a slew of performance psychology books. Some of my faves are Red Gold, With Winning in Mind, and The Warrior’s Edge, although admittedly those are all a little more “out there” than the standard fare.
Palomar has been re-opened after an enormous amount of work by board members, well done Steve Rohrbaugh and Jeff Brown! Make sure to read and abide by the site regulations, including the updated protocols.
-work party needs to be scheduled (via Telegram & email) to clean up launch, the bailout, etc.
-Dave Schuler volunteered a mower for the Palomar launch.
-We have the option to improve the launch surface at Palomar with geotextile, aggregate, etc. This will probably be guided/directed by a specific Palomar launch committee to develop a proposal with alternatives and associated costs, let us know if you’re interested and have expertise in this.
We also have the option for launch surface improvement based on our talks with the Rangers. The LZ will also likely need some attention sometime this year.
Laguna meeting & permit update
Jeff Brown and Bill Helliwell worked with the rangers on this, we have renewed our permit and saved $600 a year on permit fees from last year!
Little Black WX station
Jeff Brown led the charge on this, full LB WX Sation write up here.
Butch Peachy organized a local TV station feature on Horse and XC Flight, it’ll air Jan 31st on KFMB.
President, VP, Secretary, Safety Officer. Ballots will be emailed out soon to all Full Members for 2020.
We addressed the issue of having both a Safety and Co-Safety officer and decided to keep both positions. Josef de Beer is stepping down, so the Co-Safety chair is unfilled.
Mateo Caicedo for Co-Safety officer
Chris Ottmar for Safety officer
Anthony Karnezis for Co-Safety
Volunteer positions
-Brad Stevenson & Connor Bloum will run Ayvri-Pro
Josh Gelb affirmed his commitment to act as Events Coordinator in 2020.
Black Mtn - Jeff Brown added to a steering committee, although they haven’t met in over a year.
Bill Helliwell reported a positive cash flow of $2,017 in 2019 (mostly due to most Fly-ins being canceled due to weather not cooperating and some expenses being delayed till 2020), with $16,000 in reserves.
Next fly in date:
Saturday, Feb 1st at Palomar proposed.
Due to Tribal meeting time management, they prefer if we submit multiple fly-in dates at one time versus asking each time. We could include the next 3-4 fly-in dates for late spring, late summer, and fall fly ins.
Horse, Palomar, Little Black proposed for fly-ins, but all represent significant challenges.