The Horse Station reported 39.7 mph Base Wind (15 min average) then gusts to 60.8 mph 15 min later at 8:26 am on 12-7-17.
Data Sheet for the Palomar LCJ CV7 Ultrasonic Wind Sensor
Data Sheet for the Horse Davis 6410 Anemometer Wind Sensor
Both the Palomar and Horse Weather Stations withstood the strong sustained winds all week Dec 4th through the 9th. This is the 1st time the stations have displayed magenta, beyond red, wind speed shadings. Here are some data snapshots from the Week. The above Palomar graph represents 1 hour average base wind with peak gust. You know the wind was strong from the reported 47.7 mph 1hr averaged base wind on the 7th at 10:30am. The Palomar Station reported 50.8 mph Base Wind (15 min average) with gusts to 69.4 mph at 10:18 am on 12-7-17. The Horse Station reported 39.7 mph Base Wind (15 min average) then gusts to 60.8 mph 15 min later at 8:26 am on 12-7-17. Note that some of the variation between the two stations is due to placement locations and less than ideal locations for reading NE winds due to being in the lee and rotor conditions. Although the sensors are different, the wind speeds were well within the operating specifications for the sensors.
Data Sheet for the Palomar LCJ CV7 Ultrasonic Wind Sensor Data Sheet for the Horse Davis 6410 Anemometer Wind Sensor
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