The Summer Fly-in will be Rescheduled from July 8th to the Alternate weather back-up date: July 22nd due to heat health advisories.
Per XC-Skies, Temps will be about the same as today on July 8th: 99 on launch & 105-107 in the LZ. ..
It does look flyable and the better pilots should be able to break through the inversion. But we fear our newer pilots will be landing out in the 105+ heat. With many people out for the fly-in, we might have some heat-related problems. Also hanging out in 100 deg heat trying to BBQ will not be all that fun.
If flying this weekend, All should be prepared for the heat and carry at least 1 gal of water for the day. Bob B & Steve R worked to clear the Palomar launch out there today/ Friday. Both Bob & Steve went through a gallon of water each and worked in shifts. One pushing the mower and the other cooling down in the car AC 10 min per shift before it started to cloud over.
Let’s hope for cooler weather on the 22nd.
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