The ballots have been counted up and we have a new board! 46 ballots were cast and all non submitted ballots were determined to be abstentions.
- President: Steve Rohrbaugh (Incumbent) 100%
- Vice President: Jeff Brown (Incumbent) 100%
- Secretary: John Bartholomew 73.9%
- Treasurer: Ana Krulec (Incumbent) 97.8%
- Safety Officer: Alex Gray (Incumbent) 100%
- Co-Safety Officer: Florian Schweiger 100%
- Josef De Beer 78.3%
- Robb Milley 76.1%
- Ron Davis 73.9%
- Social Committee Chair: Jay Whiteaker, Josh Gelb (for Cost Co Run)
- Black Mountain Citizens Advisory Committee: Jeff Brown, Dave Metzar, Antonella Zampolli
- Website: Steve Rohrbaugh, + (Need Volunteers to step up to Help)
- Palomar: HG: Jeff Brown; PG: Ron Davis, Robb Milley, John Bartholomew, Dan Jackson
- Little Black: Jeff Brown, David Arnouk
- Big Black: HG: Jeff Brown; PG: Jay Whiteaker
- Horse Canyon: John Bartholomew, Rob Eschbach
- Laguna: HG: Jeff Brown - Butch Peachy; PG: Rob Eschbach
- Blossom: Jay Whiteaker, Josh Gelb
- Whales V: Alex Gray
- Otay TBD (Open)
- Tecate Peak (Historic rarely flown) TBD (Open)

- David Hunt:
- Florian Schweiger: Any brewery
- Scott Hatlen: Kate Sessions Park
- Russ Gibfried: I like Little Black
- Josh Gelb: My Clubhouse in Mission Valley is available
- Alex Grey: Fiesta Island fire pits